Monday, February 6, 2012


This weekend was very gloomy on several counts, 1) it was raining/ cloudy everyday, 2) I procrastinated on all of my assignments, which makes me extra stressed for the week to come, 3) emotional eating took over myself this weekend.

I was feeling very disappointed in myself, hence the minimal post this weekend. Not to mention boyfriends team lost the Superbowl! I felt like giving up on blogging, running and laying in my bed to vegetate my life away. Until I snapped out of it, I had a good night sleep and woke up bright and early for my Pilate's class.

Again it was raining but that didn't stop me from driving to the gym, I ended up staying for Laurie's class. I've known Laurie since I was 13, when I first started going to the gym I would take her aerobics class. She now teaches step and abs, I haven't done a step class in forever so I was just getting the hang of all the moves, it was something different so I enjoyed it.

After the class Laurie invited me to run with her group on Saturdays, they run 10 miles and meet near my house. I was so touched that she did that, she also ran the half marathon but much faster than me! I think I'll try it out but I also have to keep training for my February half marathon as well.

I am even more dedicated to being healthy after this past not-so-healthy weekend.

How was your weekend?
Patriots or Giants fans?